What does a 4 day work week look like to you?

BIG news!

We’re proud to launch new ways of working with Wesley Community Action through a pilot of the 4 day work week!

Can we reimagine working whereby greater productivity is coupled with improved physical and mental health?

PeopleEX and Wesley Community Action think we can!

We’re proud to launch new ways of working with Wesley Community Action through a pilot of the 4 day work week.

It’s called Te Wēteri Wiki, and it is Wesley Community Action’s new ways of working that puts productivity, service and kaimahi wellbeing at the core.

The initiative was suggested by Wesley’s kaimahi and the leadership team listened. We worked alongside the whole team to develop this ‘new ways of working’ and we couldn’t be prouder!

The call by employees to work in new ways sparked a great opportunity for us to work with Wesley in reconnecting with their greater purpose.

According to our People Partner Sara Gerhart, “The process enabled a great conversation about purpose and productivity. Wesley’s people are now inspired and motivated to deliver 100% of their outputs in a reduced setting without a compromise on their pay. The process of creating Te Wēteri Wiki fostered creativity and team cohesiveness as we engaged Wesley’s people to co-create the initiative. It enabled a reset – an opportunity to reconnect with purpose and dig deeply into the what, why and how Wesley Community Action shows up in the world”.

By trialling the Te Wiki Wēteri pilot, Wesley Community Action aims to create a positive environment that benefits kaimahi, whānau and the organisation as a whole.

We believe this flexible way of working presents a compelling opportunity for organisations to make a real impact on employee wellbeing and mental health, and reap the business benefits (increased productivity and engagement) at the same time.

It was an honour to work alongside Wesley’s leadership team and kaimahi in developing this pioneering way of working. Thank you Wesley Community Action for partnering with us and leading the way!

If you’re thinking about productivity, people and purpose, we encourage you to consider this flexible way of working. And please get in touch. We’d love to help. People for Better is why we exist.


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